Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Modern Nursey Baby's Song

The sublime object of modern law

Daniel E. Florez Muñoz

The purpose of this paper is to begin to analyze-from Lacanian categories and contemporary criticism of ideology (Laclau, Mouffe and Zizek) - how in which legal discourse is configured as a structural element of the symbolic order and the implications that this entails for the construction of political subjectivities and to the emancipation and hegemonic struggle. Presenting arguments for the construction of a critical and inter-disciplinary key right psychoanalytic to give account of the processes of construction, transformation and deconstruction of subjectivity that enables legal discourse as a structural element of the constitutive dimension of social reality.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cubase 5 Dongle Emulator Mac

The Shock Doctrine (Naomi Klein)

The film, subtitled in English, was directed by Alfonso Cuarón (
Y Tu Mama Tambien, Children of Men ) and Jonas Cuaron ( nail Year), was written by Naomi Klein, journalist and author of Canadian origin, and discusses how in many aspects can be usefully similar effects a torture session for making macro-economic decisions.